Poster Presentations
- Posters dimensions should be no more than 44" wide x 44"
tall and may be in either landscape or portrait orientation.
- Details for setup and space designation to come soon!
Oral Presentations
Presentations must be in Powerpoint or Acrobat format on a USB stick (thumb drive) and brought to the conference presenter check in desk for uploading:
- Computers will be PC with Windows Operating System, Office 365 (Powerpoint)
& Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Screens and projectors will have a 16:9 ratio image.
- A presentation remote with laser point will be provided
- If you have movies, sound, or internet-based video in your presentation, be sure to embed
those files in your Powerpoint prior to saving it onto a thumb drive.
- There is NO INTERNET CONNECTIVITY IN THE MEETING ROOMS, so please do not plan to embed internet links in your presentation.
- Arrive at your assigned presentation room 15 minutes prior to the start of your session to meet the moderator and obtain presentation instructions.
Traditional Presentation
- Oral presentations should be no more than 12-minutes long with 3 minutes for questions.
Lightning Talk
- 5 minutes. Presenters are limited to 5 slides (not including a title slide).
5 minutes between talks will allow time for questions.
Blitz Talk + Posters!
- 2 minutes. Blitz talks are limited to 2 slides (not including a title
slide). All presenters in this format will also give poster presentations. The purpose of
this session is for POSTERpresenters to provide an overview of their research and encourage
audience members to visit their poster. Questions for presenters will be deferred until
after the session concludes. Poster presenters are encouraged but not required to